
I’d love to tell you that I draw inspiration from other erotic or romantic authors, but aside from the occasional story on Nifty.Org (which you should check out if you really like reading erotica of all kinds), I don’t actually read a lot of erotica. Plus, I haven’t really read romance since my teen days, and that was all straight, YA stuff like Twilight. Yes, I did read Fifty Shades of Grey. I have nothing to say about that one.

I draw a lot of inspiration from real life, honestly. Not that I’m having copious amounts of sex, but I take a lot from what I’ve done and what I imagine doing. In all fairness, I probably take more inspiration from porn than I do the written word. I watch a lot of that, for sure. Watching it reminds me of things I wouldn’t do or imagine normally. I like to ask myself, “What would that actually feel like?” Then, I’ll start writing it down.

After that, I’ll have to think about which party I would be. There’s a role I’d like to play if I were the character, but I’m not these characters. I’ve really had to dig deep into my memories to remember how it feels to be on the other side. There was a lot of time experimenting and trying to figure out what I liked, so I’ve been on both sides of a lot of activities. I have experience; I just have to dig deep for it.

I am lucky to have a lot of experience to pull from. I think it can give my stories a little bit more realness. However, this is just how I see it. It may not seem real to others.

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